ABTA Host Party, Spirit Slovenia

concept, set design, directing


Monday, 22. September 2014, .00.00

Križanke Ljubljana
ABTA Host Party, Spirit Slovenia

The ABTA (Association of British Travel Agents) annual conference is the central event of the British association, which emphasises education and business networking, and is considered as one of the largest events of the British tourist industry. The local partners of the ABTA in organisation of the event are the SPIRIT Slovenia – Department of Tourism and Tourism Ljubljana.

ABTA is the second largest tourist association in the world, which started its path in 1950, and includes over 1.200 companies, 5.000 branches of tourist agencies and about 900 travel organisers. The size of the association is confirmed by the fact the ABTA members conduct over 90 % of the so-called package organised travels to and from the Great Britain.