
Award ceremonies / Openings /Cultural events / Corporate events / Events / Anniversaries / Charity events


In the last fifteen years, he has created and co-created over 200 events for various companies, public institutions and state institutions, working on them as a director, creative and technical director, producer/organiser/coordinator, scriptwriter and set and graphic designer. Throughout all these years, he has developed and tested a wide network of co-operators and performers, who guarantee a professional execution of all types of events. He has worked with the majority of the most important artists and performers in Slovenia. According to the event requirements, he assembles a team which ensures that the event is carried out at the highest technical, organisational and substantial level. His events combine the principles of architectural and theatrical creation in which he adapts elements of classical, popular and folk art, all in order to successfully present the client. In cooperation with the client, he manages the project from its conception through the preparations to its successful execution.

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Vikendovi GONGI 2012 media awards

Sunday, 2. December 2012, .00.00

Vikendovi gongi 2012

The 28th Annual Slovenian Book Fair, opening ceremony

concept, directing, set design

Tuesday, 20. November 2012, .00.00

Odprtje 28. Slovenskega knjižnega sejma

The 14th Festival of Slovenian Film, opening and closing ceremony

concept, directing, set design

Monday, 17. September 2012, .00.00

Odprtje 14. Festivala slovenskega filma

The Nurse and Midwifery Organization of Ljubljana

concept, directing, set design

Thursday, 10. May 2012, .00.00

Dnevi medicinskih sester in babic

ONA 365 Award (dr.Jožica Maučec Zakotnik)

Monday, 5. March 2012, .00.00

ONA 365 (dr. Jožica Maučec Zakotnik)

Traditional Rotarian Charity Ball 2012

Saturday, 11. February 2012, .00.00

Veliki Rotary ples 2012, Grand Hotel Union, Ljubljana

the Slovenian National Quality Award Ceremony for the Year 2011

Wednesday, 18. Januar 2012, .00.00

Priznanje Republike Slovenije za poslovno odličnost 2011, Brdo pri Kranju

The 27th Slovenian Book Fair, opening ceremony

concept, directing, set design

Tuesday, 22. November 2011, .00.00

Odprtje 27. Slovenskega knjižnega sejma

Vikendovi GONGI 2011 - media awards

Wednesday, 16. November 2011, .00.00

Vikendovi GONGI 2011

40 years of Ljubljanske mlekarne company

directing, set design

Wednesday, 9. November 2011, .00.00

40 let ljubljanskih mlekarn

The 100th Anniversary of NIVEA

directing, set design

Friday, 10. June 2011, .00.00


WBS - World Book Summit, opening and closing ceremony

concept, directing, set design

Saturday, 2. April 2011, .00.00

Svetovni vrh knjige WBS, otvoritvena in zaključna akademija

ONA 365 Award (dr. Renata Salecl)

Monday, 7. March 2011, .00.00

ONA 365 dr. Renata Salecl

Traditional Rotarian Charity Ball 2011

Saturday, 12. February 2011, .00.00

Veliki Rotary ples 2011, Grand Hotel Union, Ljubljana

Reception for sponsors of Cankarjev dom

set design, directing

Wednesday, 26. Januar 2011, .00.00

Cankarjev dom - sprejem za sponzorje

The Business Excellence Prize of the Republic of Slovenia for 2010

Thursday, 13. Januar 2011, .00.00

Priznanje Republike Slovenije za poslovno odličnost 2010, Brdo pri Kranju

Gorenjska banka - Charity Concert

Friday, 3. December 2010, .00.00


The 26th Slovenian Book Fair, opening ceremony

concept, directing, set design

Thursday, 18. November 2010, .00.00

Odprtje 26. Slovenskega knjižnega sejma

Ljubljanske mlekarne - concert of pianist Maksim Mrvica

Wednesday, 10. November 2010, .00.00

VIP dogodek Maxim- Ljubljanske mlekarne

Opening of NKBM

Thursday, 21. October 2010, .00.00

Otvoritev poslovalnice NKBM

90 Years of SAVA KRANJ

concept, directing, set design

Thursday, 23. September 2010, .00.00

SAVA KRANJ - 90 LET, Brdo pri Kranju

Charity event of ONA magazine

Thursday, 2. September 2010, .00.00


The 13th Slovenian Incoming Workshop (SIW)

Thursday, 3. June 2010, .00.00

13. Slovenska turistična borza - SIW

The Business Excellence Prize of the Republic of Slovenia for 2009

Wednesday, 7. April 2010, .00.00

Priznanje Republike Slovenije za poslovno odličnost 2009

Opening of BPO Production

Tuesday, 23. February 2010, .00.00

Otvoritev obrata POMP

Traditional Rotarian Charity Ball 2010

Tuesday, 9. February 2010, .00.00

Veliki Rotary ples 2010, Grand Hotel Union

Reception for sponsors of Cankarjev dom

Tuesday, 12. Januar 2010, .00.00

Cankarjev dom - sprejem za sponzorje

The 25th Annual Slovenian Book Fair, opening

Tuesday, 24. November 2009, .00.00

Odprtje 25. Slovenskega knjižnega sejma

The 20th Liffe (Film Festival) - Closing and Awards Ceremony

Sunday, 22. November 2009, .00.00

zaključek in podelitev nagrad 20. LIiffe

The 20th Ljubljana International Film Festival, opening ceremony

Wednesday, 11. November 2009, .00.00

Odprtje 20. Ljubljanskega filmskega festivala  Liffe

Pernod Ricard, presentation of Chivas

Thursday, 5. November 2009, .00.00

CHIVAS PREZENTACIJA, Pernod Ricard, Ljubljanski grad

Concert Carmina Flamenca

Friday, 16. October 2009, .00.00

KONCERT ANŽE PALKA, Carmina Flamenca, Cankarjev dom

35 Years of Planica Ice Cream, Guinness world record

Thursday, 11. June 2009, .00.00

Ljubljanske mlekarne - 35 let sladoleda Planica, Guinnessov rekord

100 Years of l'Oreal

covncept, directing, set design

Thursday, 4. June 2009, .00.00

100 let podjetja lOreal

10 Years of AVON Company

concept, directing, set design

Friday, 24. April 2009, .00.00

10 let podjetja AVON

Humanitarian Concert of Gorenjska banka - Perpetuum Jazzile

Tuesday, 24. February 2009, .00.00

dobrodelni koncert za Darka Djuriča

Reception for sponsors of Cankarjev dom

Thursday, 22. Januar 2009, .00.00

Cankarjev dom - sprejem za sponzorje

70 Years of Institute of Oncology Ljubljana

concept, directing, set design

Friday, 5. December 2008, .00.00

70 let Onkološkega instituta, Grand hotel Union

Opening of Šentvid tunnel

Monday, 23. June 2008, .00.00

Otvoritev predora Šentvid

Prom dances 2008

Wednesday, 28. May 2008, .00.00

Maturantski plesi 2008

Building of Plečnik Coffee shop in Wienna

Monday, 7. April 2008, .00.00

Postavitev Plečnikove kavarne na Dunaju

Women in Science, l Oreal bestowal of scholarship

Tuesday, 19. February 2008, .00.00

Ženske v znanosti, l Orealova podelitev štipendij

PETROL Company - Reception after opera Carmen

Friday, 15. February 2008, .00.00

PETROL, sprejem po operi Carmen

International conference DURS

Tuesday, 1. Januar 2008, .00.00

Charity concert for Hospital Brežice

Tuesday, 1. Januar 2008, .00.00

Biennial BIO 21, opening ceremony

Tuesday, 1. Januar 2008, .00.00

Delo newspaper selection: Person of Year 2007

Saturday, 22. December 2007, .00.00

Izbor Delove osebnost leta 2007, Grand Hotel Union, Ljubljana

Christmas Concert

Saturday, 22. December 2007, .00.00

Božični koncert, Slovenska filharmonija, Ljubljana

New Year reception of LEK Company

Tuesday, 11. December 2007, .00.00

Novoletni sprejem podjetja LEK, Ljubljanski grad

Gala concert of Triglav Insurance Company

Saturday, 8. December 2007, .00.00

Gala koncert Zavarovalnice Triglav, Gallusova dvorana Cankarjevega doma, Ljubljana

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