
Award ceremonies / Openings /Cultural events / Corporate events / Events / Anniversaries / Charity events


In the last fifteen years, he has created and co-created over 200 events for various companies, public institutions and state institutions, working on them as a director, creative and technical director, producer/organiser/coordinator, scriptwriter and set and graphic designer. Throughout all these years, he has developed and tested a wide network of co-operators and performers, who guarantee a professional execution of all types of events. He has worked with the majority of the most important artists and performers in Slovenia. According to the event requirements, he assembles a team which ensures that the event is carried out at the highest technical, organisational and substantial level. His events combine the principles of architectural and theatrical creation in which he adapts elements of classical, popular and folk art, all in order to successfully present the client. In cooperation with the client, he manages the project from its conception through the preparations to its successful execution.

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A1 launch

directing, set design

Friday, 21. April 2017, .00.00


70 Years of ISKRA company

directing, set design

Friday, 21. April 2017Friday, 21. April 2017, .00.00

ISKRA 70 let

Foundation stone laid for the largest Novartis investment in Slovenia

concept, driecting, set design

Wednesday, 12. April 2017, .00.00

LEK polaganje temeljnega kamna

80 Years of Gimnazija Bežigrad

concept, directing, set design

Tuesday, 28. March 2017, .00.00

80 let Gimnazije Bežigrad

The Music House

opera for children

Monday, 13. March 2017, .00.00

Glasbena hiša

ONA+ Award (Ana Roš)

concept, directing, set design

Tuesday, 7. March 2017, .00.00

ONA+ (Ana Roš)

Business Oscars awarded for economic achievements

directing, set design

Monday, 6. March 2017, .00.00

Podelitev nagrad GZS za izjemne gospodarske in podjetniške dosežke za leto 2016

Product of the Year 2016 Awards

concept, directing, set design

Thursday, 2. March 2017, .00.00

Produkt leta 2016

10 Years of The funicular to Ljubljana Castle


Wednesday, 28. December 2016, .00.00

10 let tirne vzpenjače na Ljubljanski grad

The 32th Annual Slovenian Book Fair, opening ceremony

directing, set design

Wednesday, 23. November 2016, .00.00

Odprtje 32. Slovenskega knjižnega sejma

The 27th Ljubljana International Film Festival, opening ceremony

concept, directing, set design

Monday, 14. November 2016, .00.00

Odprtje 27. Ljubljanskega filmskega festivala Liffe

120 Years of Electro Ljubljana

concept, directing, set design, production

Tuesday, 18. October 2016, .00.00

Počastitev 120-letnice Elektra Ljubljana

20 Years of of the Slovenian Armed Forces Orchestra

concept, directing, set design

Monday, 17. October 2016, .00.00


Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia/Golden Innovation Awards 2016

directing, set design

Wednesday, 21. September 2016, .00.00

Dan inovativnosti 2016


concept, directing, set desgin

Tuesday, 19. July 2016, .00.00

MERCATOR VIP otvoritev

LEK - opening of Object 76

concept, directing, set design

Wednesday, 6. July 2016, .00.00


FACE 2017

concept, set design, directing

Saturday, 2. July 2016, .00.00

FACE 2017

150 Years of Red Cross Slovenia

concept, directing, set design, Cankar Congress Center

Friday, 1. July 2016, .00.00

Slavnostna akademija ob 150. obletnici Rdečega križa na Slovenskem

Trusted Brand 2016

Wednesday, 18. May 2016, .00.00

Trusted Brand 2016

Microsoft NT conference

Monday, 16. May 2016, .00.00

Microsoft NT konferenca

110 Years of Semenarna Ljubljana

set design

Monday, 4. April 2016, .00.00

110 let Seminarna Ljubljana

ONA 365+ (Maja Plaz)

Monday, 7. March 2016, .00.00

ONA 365+ (Maja Plaz)

Maks Samec Award for 2015


Thursday, 21. Januar 2016, .00.00

FKKT, podelitev doktorskih disertacij in priznanja Maksa Samca 2015

90 Years of Institute for Ethnic Studies

concept, directing, set design

Tuesday, 15. December 2015, .00.00

Inštitut za narodnostna vprašanja, 90-letnica

The 31th Annual Slovenian Book Fair, opening ceremony

directing set design

Tuesday, 24. November 2015, .00.00

Odprtje 31. Slovenskega knjižnega sejma

70 years of ELAN

concept, directing, set design

Friday, 16. October 2015, .00.00

ELAN - 70 let

Lek, a Sandoz company - Opening of The Packaging Center

concept, set design, directing

Saturday, 19. September 2015, .00.00

Odprtje pakirnega centra LEK- Sandoz

The new AUDI A4

Thursday, 27. August 2015, .00.00

IMG_5425 (2).JPG

The New ŠKODA Superb Prezentation

concept, set design, directing

Tuesday, 23. June 2015, .00.00

ŠKODA Superb - prezentacija

Museum of Puppetry opening

directing, set design

Tuesday, 26. May 2015, .00.00

Odptje Lutkovnega muzeja

Microsoft NT Conference

concept, set design, directing

Monday, 18. May 2015, .00.00

Microsoftova NT konferenca

Trusted Brand 2015 Award

Thursday, 14. May 2015, .00.00

Podelitev nagrad Trusted Brand 2015


concept, set design, directing

Friday, 8. May 2015, .00.00


ONA 365+ (Ninna Kozorog)

Monday, 2. March 2015, .00.00

ONA 365+ (Ninna Kozorog)

Vikendovi GONGI 2014 media awards

Saturday, 20. December 2014, .00.00

Vikendovi GONGI 2014

The 30th Annual Slovenian Book Fair, opening ceremony

concept, directing, set design

Tuesday, 25. November 2014, .00.00

Odprtje 30. Slovenskega knjižnega sejma

The 25th Ljubljana International Film Festival, closing ceremony

Sunday, 23. November 2014, .00.00

Zatvoritev 25. Ljubljanskega filmskega festivala

The 25th Ljubljana International Film Festival, opening ceremony

concept, directing, set design

Wednesday, 12. November 2014, .00.00

Otvoritev 25. Liffa

ABTA Host Party, Spirit Slovenia

concept, set design, directing

Monday, 22. September 2014, .00.00

ABTA Host Party, Spirit Slovenia

SPIRIT Slovenia, ABTA Welcome Party

concept, set design, directing

Sunday, 21. September 2014, .00.00

SPIRIT Slovenia, ABTA Welcome Party


Wednesday, 21. May 2014, .00.00

Nagrade TRUSTED BRAND 2014

3. Sabor hrvatske kulture

Saturday, 17. May 2014, .00.00

3. Sabor hrvaške kulture

The Business Excellence Prize of the Republic of Slovenia for 2013

Thursday, 13. March 2014, .00.00

Priznanje Republike Slovenije za poslovno odličnost 2013

ONA 365 Award (Jolka Milič)

Monday, 3. March 2014, .00.00

ONA 365  (Jolka Milič)

The 85th Anniversary of Radio Slovenia - Gala Concert

režija, scenografija

Tuesday, 10. December 2013, .00.00

KU – KU, slavnostni koncert ob 85-letnici Radia Slovenija

Vikendovi GONGI 2013 media awards

Friday, 29. November 2013, .00.00


Pahoriana - 100th birthday of Boris Pahor

directing, set design

Monday, 26. August 2013, .00.00

Pahoriana - 100 let Borisa Pahorja

15 Years of FIHO

directing, set design

Wednesday, 12. June 2013, .00.00

15 let delovanja FIHO

The Business Excellence Prize of the Republic of Slovenia for 2012

Tuesday, 19. March 2013, .00.00

Priznanje Republike Slovenije za poslovno odličnost 2012

ONA 365 Award (Tina Maze)

Monday, 4. March 2013, .00.00

ONA 365 Tina Maze, Oder pod zvezdami

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